Monday, February 29, 2016

Occupational Therapy and it's role in Gun Control

America’s Gun Problem

In the video, America’s gun problem, there are a serious of charts and narrative explaining how our country has come to the current state we are in related to the amount of Guns, number of homicides, suicides, and mass shootings. Please watch the video here:

Service Delivery
Gun laws and Gun control is a very controversial issue in the United States right now. Whether you are for or against gun control in this Country, one thing for sure is that we have a serious issue and as shown in the video numbers do not lie. I think this issue should be addressed on a variety of levels and through many different facets. 
1.     Locally or in the home: Discuss with your family and spouse about Guns, if you do have one in the home I strongly suggest having everyone in the home know how to safely use one and secure it in a safe.
2.     Through the mental health perspective.
a.     The amount of gun suicides in this country is astounding, it is our responsibility as a Country and a people to address this issue. We will discuss further ideals and proposals for this topic in the policy portion of the blog.
3.     State wide
a.     As a possible gun owner or just to be aware you should know your state laws about guns. How easily can they be bought or accessed? What are the carrying laws? Virginia is a conceal and carry state. For more information on gun laws in the state of Virginia, please check out
4.     Nationally
a.     Nationally and socially we have a serious problem, mass shootings  (4 or more individuals killed in a single event) have occurred more and more frequently in recent years. With the current election coming up, gun control is a significant topic and before choosing the next American President it is important to know where they stand on the issues. Please go to and see for yourself where the candidates fall on this important issue.
In my opinion we need a complete overhaul on gun control and mental health reform in this country. My proposal is as follows:
·   1. Anyone buying a gun will have a ten day waiting period in order for the FBI to complete the background check, require an in-depth background check, mental health screening by a medical professional, required to take a gun safety course, and they must prove that the gun will be stored safely and appropriately before purchase.
·   2. Each state will host a “buy back” day, where at various locations throughout the state individuals can sell back their guns to the state.
·   3. Ban and criminalize assault weapons, and with them magazines that fire more than ten rounds.
·   4. Ban and criminalize the sale and purchase of guns online or through private sale (all gun sales must have the same purchase criteria, See policy 1. )
·   5. Limit the number of firearms an individual is able to own at a given time, before buying any guns they must justify why they are requiring them.
·   6. In order to reduce suicide rates; prompt and significant mental health and medical care for individuals with need, i.e Veterans, people discharged from a mental health facilitate, etc.
    The Data needed to support the current policy is portrayed through the success of other Countries. For example, in 1996 Australia had a mass shooting and drastically changed their gun control laws because of it. Australia’s new gun laws prohibited private sales, required that all weapons be individually registered to their owners, and required that gun buyers present a “genuine reason” for needing each weapon at the time of the purchase, self-defense did not count. The changes that occurred were drastic, between 1996-2006 here are the statistics:
·   homicides by firearms plunged 59 percent between 1995 and 2006, with no corresponding increase in non-firearm-related homicides.  
·   Suicides dropped by 65%
·   Home invasions did not increase. (many people fear that firearm ownership is needed to deter such crimes.)
·   In the decade before the Port Arthur massacre, there had been 11 mass shootings in the country of Australia. There has been ZERO mass shootings in Australia since. I propose we follow suit and make a significant change in order to help the American people.

Implications for Occupational Therapy
      Occupational therapy has the ability to have a significant impact on the mental health aspect of the gun laws. The mental health care reform that is needed in our country can be led by a profession who has it’s roots in working with individuals diagnosed with mental health disorders, Occupational therapists. The Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists explains, “As occupational therapists, we regularly interface with the intimate details of clients’ everyday living when people experience occupational challenges.  Thus occupational therapists are inevitably poised to receive messages when everyday living has been interrupted by thoughts of suicide.” OT works very closely with their patients, and often in their homes, we can help to reduce the amount of gun related suicides and suicide attempts through education, paying attention, and reporting the signs to the local authorities and health care providers. Occupational therapists should have significant training in suicide detection, prevention, and how to address suicide related incidents in practice.
